
Reasons You Should Use An API CMS — STRAPI

September 20th . 5 min read

Any business now revolves around its content. The motivation behind them is it. You need to generate exceptional content with attractive and informative pictures, logos, and a unique presentation style to draw visitors to your site in greater numbers. The sole method for drawing and keeping customers is through it. The question of how to create and manage such content is now in the forefront. This is where a decent Content Management System (CMS) comes into picture. A quality CMS helps the business build its brand and forges connections with the target market.

Let’s take a moment to think…

Do we not now use a content management system?

There will be a louder response.

Yes, we are using that. Let’s then go on to the topic of discussion. So, let’s move on to the need for another discussion on it right now.

You must be aware of the development and uptake of headless CMSs if you are a developer or oversee a development team. You could have questioned if you or your team should follow this trend after reading posts about their popularity or after seeing comparisons between monolithic and headless CMSs.

One cannot ignore Strapi’s importance while discussing content management systems. Strapi is a very strong and effective open-source CMS platform.

We’ll try to provide you with an overview and a solid case for why as a developer you should implement a headless CMS for your project in this article.

Let’s delve right into this,

What is Content Management System (CMS)?


A software application called a content management system (CMS) assists in controlling the development and management of digital content for your apps. In simple a tool for creating, managing, and modifying digital content.

There are different types of CMS-

Traditional CMS-

A traditional CMS also called as MonolithicCMS which connects and manages the front-end and the backend of a website in a single software or on the same server.

WordPress, Wix, Drupal and Squarespace are some of the good examples of traditional CMS which ties the front-end and back-end in a single manageable application codebase.

Decoupled CMS-

The frontend of a decoupled CMS can be separated from the backend, which prepares content for presentation. Either an integrated frontend or an API can be used to push the actual material for delivery.

Headless WordPress and Drupal are some of good examples of Decoupled CMS where backend and frontend are on same server or backend is accessible on multiple platforms through an API.

Headless CMS-

A subset of Decoupled CMS is Headless CMS. It does not come with a frontend but features a backend where content is prepared and only accessible through calls to the API.

Strapi, Contentful and Sanity work are some of the good examples of Headless CMS which allows to create and manage content and then access it across all your applications using an API.

What is an API?

Application Programming Interface in short called as API. It acts as an middle-man which allows two applications to interact with each other. In simple the interface used by the application typically a frontend application to talk to the backend application.

Just like if an restaurant is an application, then cook & kitchen is the backend, customer sitting on decorated dining table is the front end and the waiter who takes order from customer (frontend) and servers same food from kitchen (backend) acts as an API.


How does Headless CMS work?

The frontend, backend, and database are all independent parts of a headless CMS. It has a few significant advantages. It speeds up operations and enables developers from various teams to work on various components concurrently rather than having to wait for others to complete before they can begin.

The presentation layer is not connected to the CMS, which distinguishes it from a monolithic CMS. Instead, you use the front-end technology that is most suited for each channel to control how it is presented. At last from multiple User Interfaces backend is accessible on multiple platforms using the RESTful API calls.

Strapi: What is it?

In order to create quick and simple to maintain JavaScript APIs, Strapi is an open-source Node.js framework. Because the backend and the front end are separated which makes it much flexible, easy to manage and powerful.

You do not need any backend experience but you can create an API using Strapi headless CMS. It enables embedding any API from top frontend libraries and frameworks and accessing the backend across all your applications.

We hope by now you have a better understanding of everything and can already imagine how useful it is.

Users may rapidly broaden the audience for their content and the platforms they can support thanks to Strapi, which enables decoupling of the backend from the frontend with a headless CMS.

Why as a developer you should use an API CMS — Strapi?

There are a number of reasons for developers to choose headless API CMS — Strapi. Let’s cover it one by one.

It is Open Source and Free-

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS for quickly and easily managing JavaScript APIs. It features a robust developer community that cooperates to enhance and increase the platform’s functionalities.

Technology that works across platforms-

Headless CMS enables you to distribute content using any computer language via API call without having to write any complicated code as it is a cross platform technology.

Additionally, as long as the programming language supports RESTful API, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, etc., this type of technology can be used in any programming language.

User Friendly-

Strapi is a trustworthy tool, well-organized, and needs only a brief tutorial of how to utilise it. The user interface of API CMSs is outstanding and designed to be simple enough for any group member to utilise and interact with.

It has simple features that are simple to use for quick editing and is compatible with adding plugins and other tools that add additional capabilities for more complex functions.

Manage Content on Multiple Channels-

The only method of displaying content on the internet for a long time was as a web page. Today, content management encompasses IoT device channels and native mobile apps and many more. Even number of channels are evolving and getting used rapidly.

Headless CMS provides an omnichannel approach to provide the data seamlessly to users.

Saves lots of time-

With API CMS- Strapi, content can be created quickly, easily, and with minimal effort by proofing wrong to the concept that creating the content for an application is very difficult and time-consuming.

Quickly content can be retrieved from the CMS at the front-end using REST API.

Allows Scalable Application Development-

Scalable application development is facilitated by API CMS. The performance of the entire programme won’t be impacted by backend performance issues because the front end and back end are independent.

Additionally, updating the backend of the CMS is simple and has no impact on the front end, and vice versa. Your application can be updated and maintained more quickly.

Easy SEO Optimization-

SEO is important because it increases the visibility of your website, which results in increased traffic and potential to convert visitors into commercial clients.

URL slug, Meta title tag, Meta description, Canonical tag, Meta robots tag, etc are some of the tools provided by the API CMS which helps in creating optimized content.

Localization Makes it more Specific-

Not all content is intended for everyone. Using API CMS localization, you can restrict access to all other users while yet providing some users with a specific set of content in a particular location.

You can share various types of content for various users in various areas thanks to localization. With the help of translation, you may render content for your consumers in their native tongue.

Use Headless CMS as a Microservice-

A significant advancement in contemporary software architecture are microservices. A system made up of both internal and external services is connected to your application via their respective APIs.

By doing thus, you may quickly assemble applications that make use of numerous APIs. Comprehensive applications become simpler with the introduction of microservices and a headless CMS.

Powerful Architecture System-

The architecture of this framework is strong and offers everything required to create an API that your front-end application can quickly expose and use. Strapi can process all the POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, and OPTIONS requests . As a result, if you need to create APIs or RESTful services, performance problems won’t arise.

Furthermore, it supports all well-known databases, including MongoDB, SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL, so you won’t run into any issues when saving user credentials.

Clear Roles-Responsibilities and Authorization-

Yes, when roles and responsibilities are pretty clear definitely result will be much better. Strapi API Content Management System follows proper roles and permission process by making each user a member of one group with different roles and permissions like Admin, editor, and author, for instance.

It meets the need for access control while assisting in matching team user responsibilities with process.

Content Management from Single Place with Security-

CMS gives you an opportunity to manage all of it from a single place rather than having content dispersed across numerous platforms and needing to employ dozens of solutions just to get your content published.

You may prevent content management admin from being visible on top of your website by using a headless CMS. When creating the website, you configure every component by which you eliminate the requirement for a database and any potential attack points for data storage.


In this blog,

We covered API CMS in simple terms and discussed why developers should choose an API CMS over other managements. It’s crucial to keep in mind that API CMS functions are not limited to the ones that we described here, there are plenty more that you can discover as time goes on.

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